GRANDBOIS is pronounced as [Grand Bois] in French. The word, which means "big forest", is also the name of a small pass in the French city of Saint-Etienne.
At the end of the 1800s, a monument to Paul de Vivie, commonly known as Velocio, who invented the bicycle gearbox and was called the "father of the bicycle industry," still stands at the pass.
What Grandboa aims for is the "golden age" of the bicycle world from the 1960s to the 1970s, a land of great people who laid the foundation for "beautiful" and "tasteful" bicycles that are rarely seen today. We use it as the brand name of our bicycles with admiration.
At the end of the 1800s, a monument to Paul de Vivie, commonly known as Velocio, who invented the bicycle gearbox and was called the "father of the bicycle industry," still stands at the pass.
What Grandboa aims for is the "golden age" of the bicycle world from the 1960s to the 1970s, a land of great people who laid the foundation for "beautiful" and "tasteful" bicycles that are rarely seen today. We use it as the brand name of our bicycles with admiration.