The New School BMX brand started in 2010 by Robbie Morales. The experience and know-how that he himself cultivated with Terrible One and FIT BIKE are utilized in cult manufacturing.
Enthusiasts in the current street BMX world, including Chase Dehart, Chase Hawk, Dakota Roche, Alex Kennedy and Baz Keep No other brand has so many popular riders. It's the hottest BMX brand in the world right now and the focus is on how this brand will develop from here at the helm of this enthusiastic crowd.
Enthusiasts in the current street BMX world, including Chase Dehart, Chase Hawk, Dakota Roche, Alex Kennedy and Baz Keep No other brand has so many popular riders. It's the hottest BMX brand in the world right now and the focus is on how this brand will develop from here at the helm of this enthusiastic crowd.