Zodiac is a San Francisco company that uses only the most ethical and local vendors to make each product. Zodiac is one man with two hands honored to make something for you.


Real Massanger Bag from SF

San Francisco, home of ZODIAC BAGGAGE, has long been a city of messengers. Its messenger community is strong, and they have a union, run a fund for the wounded and sick, and publish a zine. Trevor Beanes, a member of that community, started ZODIAC BAGGAGE, which not only follows the history of bags that have been an integral part of the messenger community, but also incorporates a lot of feedback from his own experience running as a messenger. ZODIAC BAGGAGE is not only in line with the history of bags that have been an integral part of the messenger community, but also incorporates a lot of feedback from his own experience as a messenger.

Roll Top Messenger Bag 

The roll-top bag, which can be said to have been created by the modern messenger community, is the type of bag Trevor used most as a messenger, and follows the roll-top design of the Freight Baggage, his mentor in the messenger community. The design is based on the roll top of the Freight Baggage, his mentor in the messenger community. The unique improvements based on his own ideas: the unique construction of the inner tarpaulin, seam wrapped with Gore-Tex and independent of the interior, prevents rain penetration, while the double-layered back panel and inserts prevent the bag from interfering with your body and keep the bag's form stable at all times. The double-layer back panel and inserts prevent interference of the luggage with the body while at the same time stabilizing the bag's form. The bag's double-layered back panel and inserts prevent interference with the body while at the same time stabilizing the bag's form.


Sling messenger Bag

Sling-style messenger bags are not only capable of holding a lot of luggage, but are also equipped with features to enable speedy delivery, which is essential in the battle against rivals.
The sling-type bag has suspension straps and back panel padding for large, misshapen loads, and an X-strap (L size only) to distribute the weight over both shoulders, making it widely adaptable to an even wider variety of loads, not just the old-fashioned documents.



[ZODIAC BAGGAGE] It is not only the bag that you carry on your back.

Words By Izuru Shimasaki from Daisy Messenger



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