"Do everything possible to protect athletes from serious accidents" This is POC's mission. POC is a new Swedish brand. We have acquired patents for material combinations and structures, and are working every day to improve protection performance. Stockholm is the center of Europe's best technology in many fields such as safety, medicine, insurance and performance testing. At the POC research institute located in the suburbs of Stockholm, material researchers, industrial designers, graphic designers, neurologists, spinal cord injury researchers, and specialists in various fields conduct research from their respective perspectives to create excellent products. is developing. All products are tested time and time again by top athletes for enhanced protection. Athletes always put their all into the field. There are risks of scrapes, bruises, spinal and brain injuries. Research and development is carried out to eliminate those risks as much as possible, and excellent products are produced. POC will do its best in product development. In order to achieve superior safety, quality and performance, we will never compromise on profit or cost.