SEVEN CYCLES' Five Important Elements of a Custom Bike
When we start thinking about building a custom bike, we may be going back to the first time we rode a bike, to the feeling that propelled us forward, to the joy of freedom we felt when we were two, five, or ten years old.
The following five elements will take you straight back to those early impulsive years, remove even your fears, and immerse you in the creation of a new "you".
We hope you will take the time to read them.
Element 1: Compatibility and Comfort
First, let's consider the upper half of the bicycle. The position of the saddle, the length of the reach to the handlebars, the number of hand positions, and the position of the saddle rails. All of these factors are very important and are the ultimate determinants of comfort in many ways. To some people, geometry, length, and height are the essence of custom bike building, but for Seven Cycles, these numbers are just the beginning.
Element 2/Handling and Performance
Next, let's look at the lower half of the bike. There are bottom bracket heights, wheelbase values, fork break values, trail values, and more. These values determine how the rider feels when straddling the bike, riding like a tomahawk missile down a winding descent, hurtling up a steep incline, or moving around in a group ride, and they determine how the rider feels in these intuitive riding situations, the situations in which the rider This intuitive riding situation, that is, what the rider is feeling in the flesh while riding the bike and how he or she actually wants to ride, can be used to make further processing adjustments to the geometry and tubeset to provide a specific design. This is the element that provides more than a sense of fit, it is also the element that allows you to focus more on riding.
Element 3 / Tubing and Materials
When you think deeply about how you want your bike to look, Seven can start at the material level and recommend a tubing set that actually feels right for your riding goals, comfort, and performance. The various materials they have developed (titanium, carbon, steel, etc.) are already sophisticated, but by selecting from a wide range of tubing options and using more advanced technology (batting, etc.), the metal tubing itself can be re-engineered to fit the rider's needs, making it even more precise and ideal. This is the ideal way to achieve a more precise and ideal driving experience.
Element 4 / Features and Options
With more options, compromises disappear from your mind, and you can think about the need for fenders, disc brakes, or any other detail of the bike based on your years of riding experience. You can even adjust the paint mix to match the endless colors and special paint schemes available in the world, and different wheel sizes front and rear, front and rear racks, decal locations and sizes, and component and parts options are all here in "Options. " and you'll be able to take it all in.
Element 5 / The Future
Right now, as you design a bike for you, Seven imagines how that bike will change over time. You may be keen on racing now, but later you may want to do some touring, or perhaps you will want to move to another part of the country and explore the unfamiliar gravel roads a little more. Seven wants to anticipate that need for change and incorporate that adaptability into its design whenever possible.
Without an idea, and the desire to go somewhere, there would be no such thing as a bicycle to begin with.
There is nothing harder than just starting to think of an idea. But you have to work out the idea over and over again in your mind, and envision the final destination over and over again. It is the final form of the thing, or the landscape of the goal that I once wanted to reach.
And then I think of the process.
The frame design is made.
Tubes are cut.
The welding torch glows brightly.
The back and forth of Scotch-Brite.
It's through ideas and creation and thinking things through that the best things are made. And the core of the idea lies within what is needed and where we want to go next.
Everything about the bike is contained in the road you will be traveling and in the knowledge of what you need to run.
Will it be fast?
Will it be comfortable?
What about these wheels?
What about those handlebars?
What are your ideas?
And when shall we start building together?
To be continued next FEATURE...